I've been an OBM for almost 3 years now and worked with over 50+ clients and this is what I would do if I started my business from scratch
Build one high-ticket offer that solves the burning problem of my ideal clients
Instead of building multiple offers and spreading myself thin in the beginning, I would rather focus on building one high-ticket offer that brings in recurring revenue for my business.
This offer would revolve around solving one burning problem of my ideal client.
Prioritizing lean systems over copying systems of others in my industry
I'm guilty of doing this. When I started my business, I was in constant search of "perfect" systems for my business.
As a result, I downloaded many templates, and worksheets, and tested with multiple similar functioning tools.
This complicated my business so much. Instead, I would start building lean systems that work for my business silencing the noise around me.
Stop reinventing the wheel in the name of revamping
I haven't admitted this to myself yet. I've revamped my business SO MANY TIMES!!!
Just because something new became a trend in the industry and I got shiny object syndrome - I was wasting my time prioritizing rebranding instead of the revenue-generating tasks.
Instead, I would make a list of revenue-generating tasks, and start prioritizing my time on those tasks.
I would show up for myself and my business even on days I don't feel like it
The majority of time, I've procrastinated showing the hard parts of running a business thinking people wouldn't love it, they won't consider working with me and even I was ashamed of going through bad phases.
But, something I realised after working for 3 years in the industry is that people relate to you more when they see your flaws, your bad phases. Being authentic on socials is something I would start embodying at the get-go!
Want to scale your business to your dream lifestyle?
My offer "The Strategic OBM Lab" can help you exactly with that! DM "ELEVATE" for more details and I will help you build lean systems and premium client experience for your coaching business!