Perfecting your offer will destroy your Coaching Business (even before the launch)!
But you need to hear this. I see you're fine-tuning your offer so much to an extent that you're fearing to launch your offer (forget launching, even talk about your offer!)
As an OBM, I'm guilty of doing this so many times. But here me about - Your Coaching Program evolves with your ideal clients
You lack the confidence to showcase your solution for your ideal client's problem
Your perfectionist attitude is stopping your business progress
You're constantly comparing your program with your competitor's
Once you work with your ideal clients on your coaching program,
you'll notice the gaps in your offer
you'll see the areas of improvements
you'll get to know how better you can support your clients
you'll get to know how faster/easier you can bring them their desired transformation
All these happen only when you allow yourself to present your so-called "imperfect" offer!
So, stop hesitating and talk about your coaching program on stories today.
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